Allan 10Wheeler



We are sorry to announce Sally's Coffees has closed its store location.


However we will still maintain a Web presents.


Weekenders Camping Club

Weekenders camping club

Sally & Phil's Trip Summer of 2010

Case Model Tractor

Aluminum loading tray

Sally delivered Coffee and Bagels to your table on a "G" scale model train.

Sally has bigger model trains than the "G" gage.

Sally's Caboose under construction.

This is Sally's F-7

Rob's Atlantic


Allen 10 wheeler

Aircraft Deliver Pilots Reunion April 17, 2004


Accident 10-25-2011

JohnDeere 570A motor Grader

Caterpillar 930

Caterpillar IT28F Tool Carrier

Military M35 duce and a half

1988 Ford L8000 dump truck

This page last edited July 12, 2024